Customizable Last Mile and Courier Software
Customizable Last Mile and Courier Software
Delivery Software that fits your needs

Customizable Delivery Software

At IDS we know every company is unique. That's why we will not force our way of doing business onto your company. We will work with you to create a customizable solution that matches your company's needs.

Customizable Driver App

Sometimes picking up or delivering a shipment is not as simple as clicking a button. And it can be hard to find an existing delivery app that meets your needs. Even worse, it may seem that no one is willing to customize their driver app for you.

At IDS, we know to succeed we need to provide our customers a delivery app that gives them the functionality they need. To that end, we work directly with our customers to scope the unique functionality required.

For more information, please contact us directly.  

Customizable Delivery Software

We know that it can be a struggle to find a Delivery Software solution that matches how your company does business. 

It may even feel like your being forced to change your entire company just to fit into their way.

That's why at IDS we will work with you to set up and customize our software to work with how you do business. 

For more information, please contact us directly. 

Import, Export & APIs

Because everyone has their own unique way of doing business, importing, exporting and connecting systems is never completed the same way twice.

From simple importing of shipment data using IDS Core PC Client, to CSV files via SFTP or ASN files. And even complex EDI files, we will work with you to import your data as needed.

Sometimes even exporting of shipment data can also be a challenge. At IDS we can create custom OSD, DEL, CSV and even EDI files . 

Do you want to the next best thing? Great, IDS has a multitude of API's that connect in a two way fashion to your other systems.

For more information, please contact us directly


Reporting can be a headache for some. Its hard to get the data you need the way you want. 

What's worse is when you contact your existing dispatch software provider, they want a lot of money for a simple report.

That's why we work with you right from the start to fully understand what reports you need. 

The power in knowing comes from the data you can see. 

Final Mile Software Provider to Metro SCG

ph: 1-877-450-6420
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