Barcode Scanning Delivery App

Barcode Scanning Mobile App

Being able to scan a location or a shipment barcode is a must when shipping valuable goods. For this reason IDS has over 15 years experience ensuring shipments of value are delivered safely.

Even better, IDS Mobile has the ability to scan 3rd Party Barcodes. So if your customer wants you to use their barcodes, its not a problem.

Finally, if you have a unique need, please visit our pages on Reverse Logistics, Medical and Pharmaceutical Deliveries and Warehouse. Or bettery yet, Contact Us with your question.


IDS Mobile works with most laser scanning mobile devices. For this reason, IDS is the perfect fit for your high volume routes and warehouse.



Do you want to reduce costs? Then try our augmented barcode feature. This amazing add-on lets you use an android mobile phone’s camera.



IDS can generate barcodes for your staff and customers to use. 


Optimized Route Shipments

Route Optimization

Last Mile and Reverse Logistics needs route optimization. With this in mind you can plugin IDS Route into IDS Core. That means you can have Warehouse Scanning and Route Optimization in one system.

For more information, please visit IDS Route. 

ph: 1-877-450-6420
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